A lot of things in sport depend on motivation. In career of each basketball player the motivation of achievements plays large role. “What such motivation of achievements?” – you ask. I will try to answer with one offer is an estimated behavior of the player which aims his motives at a victory and avoiding of failure. That is, each player possesses ability to be anxious for bad results and vice versa to rejoice to the achievements. And here it is capable to connect these qualities not everyone. Prevalence of one of these motivational tendencies is based on an initial choice of the purpose.
The player who received a motivation charge on success chooses the difficult or average purposes which on an insignificant share surpass the result reached earlier. Such basketball players even risk prudently.
The basketball player motivated on failure acts much riskier. It can significantly underestimate or on the contrary – to overestimate the purpose.
That is the first show aspiration to achievement, and the second, choose either the difficult, or easy purposes. They so act subsequently to manage to acquit themselves:
“Like, even the professional would not cope with it”.
It should be noted that motivated on success – overestimate failure, and motivated on failure – overestimate success.
To the trainer on a note!
In basketball, it is very important to consider motivation of each separately taken team player. When at team there are all abilities, only basketball players of the average level will receive stronger motivation on success or avoiding of failure. Neither those, nor at others, will have no high because one purposes will seem too simple and insignificant, and another extremely complex motivation. What will be with such collective?
The basketball players possessing approximately equal abilities, being in one team, will involuntarily increase the level of own motivation, they will be afraid to show the insolvency among players equal to. Efficiency of actions of players with weak uneasiness and strong motivation of achievement many times increases in such team. Such collective will prove much better in training process.
It everything that I wanted to tell you about motivation of achievements. I hope, this material will help you, also as well as to many other boys who followed a way of achievement of serious results!